Wednesday 25 December 2013

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us...

I love Christmas as it is a celebration of two of my favourite (and related) mysteries of the faith: incarnation and Immanuel. These are the mysteries that God who is always with us is the same God who took on human flesh and walked among us at a specific point in history as the man Jesus. A God who knows what it is to be human and who loves us unconditionally, as no human can.

It is also a reminder to me of why I love giving my time and energy to Bible translation. In translation we are part of an incarnational ministry. We slowly become part of a community, learning language and culture. Although translation is our purpose, that is wrapped in many activities that respond to a community’s need and helps them to grow. Translation itself takes something foreign and makes it local. It gives birth to God’s word in another language and through that, in people’s hearts.

The birth of the babe at Bethlehem is the ultimate translation, as that was when the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. May that child-sized faith take root in you and grow to an adult-sized faith that can take on the challenges of the life in a fallen yet redeemed world, knowing that we are never alone, but are always loved by Immanuel, God-with-us.

Joy to the world indeed!

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